

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So - - - today I finally am getting back to my blog. I go to my first post. I have 2 comments. YEA! I'm so excited! Mind you, I am new at this-- I am way excited! I read the comments. One was from Breezy. She is proud of me! Thank you Breezy! One was from my daughter Shaylyn. She says I'm Lame! Well, not me, my blogging skills so to speak. She says if I'm going to blog, I need to follow rule #1 which is to keep up with my blog and do it often. Hummmm, Did you not know that I have been down in bed for nearly a week. I have been S I C K, coughing my head off which left my throat feeling like it was on fire not to mention my ribs that felt like they were all broken. My whole entire body was so weak that I could hardly sit up. I hurt like I'd been run over by a semi truck carring a truck load of cotton that all ended up in my mouth due to the fact that my nose was so stuffed from snot that nothing could go up it, especially not AIR.
BUT - - I'm sure feeling better today! I think I'll live, and I'll try to remember the rules of blogging.

Chelsea and I did a little shopping today. It was so nice to finally get OUT OF BED! We went shopping for T's Birthday presents. My granddaughter had her 1st birthday on the 17th, but they celebrated on Sunday. I was unable to go and felt so terrible about that. I saw some cute pictures of her eating her birthday cake. SHE IS DARLING!


Breezy Weekes said...

gosh you guys all keep getting sick out there! We better get flu shots before we come out there! You guys better too..and take care of yourselves! See you soon again!

Robbie and Shay said...

Mom - out of 100% offense and insult...I took about 25%! J/K

John n Shannon said...

Aunt Leann!! You have a blog??!! What's this? The end of the world is coming? J/K. Now all you have to do is get my mom on to blogging. That will be an impossible feat. So excited to see I get to peek into your life too! Feel free to do the same with mine. Our blog is Love ya!

Clark Family said...

Hi Leann!! It's so fun to see you in the blogging world!! WELCOME!